Quantum Acts of Kindness
Our universe collectively consists of tiny acts,
as innumerable particles
in indeterminate positions
fluctuate randomly.
Einstein thought there must be order and meaning,
a Theory of Everything,
behind the seeming chaos in the quantum realm,
a vast realm of subatomic scale
that forms the fabric of the cosmos.
Our social fabric also
consists of tiny acts,
acts of love and kindness.
A mother nurses her newborn,
a nurse holds the hand of a dying patient,
and all small acts of loving kindness in between
weave together the random events in our lives.
A quantum Theory of Everything eluded Einstein.
But an acts-of-kindness Theory of Everything for each of us is:
Love God with all your heart and soul and strength and mind.
Love people of all religions, races, genders, and other identities.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Love your enemies.
Kindness theory is easy.
Practice is hard.
But acts of not-so-random kindness
construct and change our world.
Copyright 2021 Mark D. Stucky.
published in Small Town Anthology VII: Entries from the Seventh Annual Tournament of Writers (Vicksburg Cultural Arts Center, 2021).
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